
09 "Sunset"

Der neunte Song von "One Must Try". Publiziert am 30.9.2021 um 17:00 Uhr.

Music: Aleks/Dominic; Words: Dominic
Arrangement: Hairy Debbie

We've been fighting for so long 

Still we disagree 

Who can tell what's right what's wrong?  

Neither you nor me. 


When there's nothing left to say 

It is time to end the day 

Oh my sunset, I need you sunset 

When the signs are pretty clear 

Cause we've emptied our last beer 

Let's watch the sunset, oh yeah the sunset  

for a while 


When there's no one left in town 

And the sun is going down 

That's my sunset, I love you sunset
with all my heart 

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